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Bach Rescue Pastilles 50g - BLACKCURRANT

Rescue Pastilles - Blackcurrant

Bach Rescue Pastilles are sugar and alcohol free pastilles that work in exactly the same way as Rescue Remedy drops or spray. Dissolve in your mouth for feelings of calm and reassurance.  Each Pastille contains the equivalent of 4 sprays of Rescue Remedy.



Dr. Bach formulated Rescue Remedy nearly a hundred years ago  yet never before has it been more relevant with millions of people relying on Rescue Remedy throughout the world to get themselves through the complications and shocks of life.

Rescue Pastilles are ideal for coping with exam stress  driving tests  first day of school nerves  job interviews and high pressure environments. The funky tin with an easy "press on the lid" opening and closing mechanism. It is easy to take anywhere and with natural flavouring safe for use by the whole family  including your pets.

Rescue Remedy Pastilles are little tasty candies made with Rescue Remedy original flower extracts.


Natural Color
Natural Flavor
Non habit forming.
Sugar Free
Alcohol Free


4 Calories per pastille
0.5 Carbs per pastille.


Xylitol content per pastille = .004grms


View all Rescue Remedy Products




Chew one Pastille as required.


  • Excessive consumption may induce mildly laxative effects. May contain traces of gluten.

Active Ingredients:

Active: 5x dilution of Helianthemum nummularium HPUS, Clematis vitalba HPUS, Impatiens glandulifera HPUS, Prunus cerasifera HPUS, Ornithogalum umbellatum HPUS.

Inactive: Sugar substitute (sorbitol isomalt), gelling agent (gum arabic), natural flavour (blackcurrant), citric acid, natural colours (extract of red cabbage, elder, black carrot), sweetener (xylitol, thaumatin), vegetable oil, glazing agent (vegetable oil, beeswax).

Star of Bethlehem (Orithogalum umbellatum): For trauma and shock.
Clematis (Clematis vitalba):?For the tendency to pass out, and unconsciousness, being ?far away? and not present mentally.
Cherry Plum (Prunus cerasifera): Fear of mind giving way, verge of breakdown, anger.
Impatiens (Impatiens gladulifera): For irritability, tension and fidgety.
Rock Rose (Helianthemum nummularium): For frozen terror and panic.



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