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Cabot Health Magnesium Complete Capsules 200

Magnesium is a mineral involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body. Magnesium is vital for maintaining overall health. Modern day diets can tend to be deficient in magnesium due to poor mineral content in the soil and food processing. This is where a good quality magnesium supplement could come in handy, to support these vital processes in the body.



What makes our magnesium so unique and superior to other brands?

- We have combined four different forms of magnesium in this formula. We have excluded magnesium oxide from our formula as it is poorly absorbed and can have a laxative effect.

- They come in small, round, easy to swallow tablets - unlike those huge horse tablets that are a choking hazard.

- It is free from calcium. Magnesium helps the muscles relax, whilst calcium has the opposite effect (contraction). This is not what you want when you're trying to relax!

- Free from any artificial colours or sweeteners, dairy, yeast, gluten or sugar.


The benefits of Magnesium Complete:

- Reduce stress: Magnesium helps to relax and calm the nervous system. Stress depletes magnesium stores in the body, making us more susceptible to stress, through a vicious cycle of stress and magnesium depletion.  

 - Headache management: Several studies have reported that magnesium supplementation can help to relieve headaches.

 - Decreased muscle cramps: Electrolyte imbalance is often linked with muscle cramps or spasms. Out of all the electrolytes, magnesium is the most commonly deficient and is associated with muscular cramps, spasms and tightness. Many people experience relief from their cramps when supplementing with magnesium. 

 - Improved sleep: As magnesium helps to calm the nervous system, it is a great supplement to take before bed to help reduce stress and evoke relaxation. Stress is one of the most common causes of a poor night's sleep, so helping to reduce stress could be beneficial for a restful sleep.


Factors increasing the need for a magnesium supplement:

- Low intake of fresh fruit and vegetables

- Older age

- Frequent exercise

- Muscle cramps and spasms

- Insomnia

- High stress


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