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Jean Paul Gaultier经典香水好闻吗高缇耶经典香水点评


  • 中文名称:Jean Paul Gaultier 高缇耶 裸女经典女士淡香水 100ml

  • 品牌:Jean Paul Gaultier

  • 规格:100ml



Jean Paul Gaultier 高缇耶 裸女经典女士淡香水,经典淡香水是一款独特的香水,在纯洁与愉悦之间,在欲望与快活之间,以妩媚至极的特性征服你。1993年,由Jean Paul Gaultier公司推出的经典香水散发出夏日的浪漫气息,前调选择了玫瑰,中调是出乎意料的橘子花和姜香,香草和香琥珀为香水带来甜美温暖的基调,即使在阴霾的天气里,也能为你撑起一片阳光明媚的天空。

○ 品牌:Jean Paul Gaultier 高缇耶

○ 品名:女性淡香水

○ 规格:100ml

○ 类型:EDT\淡香水

○ 适用群体:适合所有女士使用。

○ 香水香调:东方花香调





○ 携带使用简单、快捷,香氛宜人,轻松应付各种社交场合。

○ 香水被设计成女人的身材,穿着束衣的瓶身,将女性特质完美体现出来。


○ 七点法:香精以点、香水以线、淡香水以面使用效果更好,注意擦香过程中避免用力摩擦,虽然简单的摩擦不会破坏香水分子结构,但是会使温度过高加快香水的挥发。

○ 喷雾法:在穿衣服前,让喷雾距身体10-20公分,喷出雾状香水,喷洒范围越广越好,随后立于香雾中5分钟,或者将香水大范围喷洒,然后慢慢走过香雾。这样都可以让香雾均匀落在身体上,留下淡淡的清香。

○ 香水的留香时间和香水的酒精浓度有关,温度、湿度以及所处环境的通风情况都会影响留香时间,所以也需要补香。


○ 请勿将其放置在儿童可触及的地方;

○ 请存放于避光、干燥、不高于25摄氏度处;

○ 如有过敏现象,请寻医就诊。


1952年,高缇耶出生于巴黎近郊的小镇Arcueil,关于祖母的一切回忆,丰富了高缇耶的童年生活。他的祖母是位订制服设计师,从小待在祖母的身边,开启了高缇耶对时尚世界的憧憬。18岁时的素描获得了皮尔?卡丹的注意,获得了跟在著名的未来派设计大师身边学习的机会,也奠定了他日后成为设计师的基础。从上世纪七十年代左右入行,凭借着戏剧化的风格为自己赢来了“巴黎坏孩子”的名声。2003年,被聘为爱马仕品牌艺术总监。2014年9月末,巴黎时装周举办的2015年春夏女装发布会将是个人的最后成衣之作。在这之后,高提耶将只专注品牌的高级定制业务和香氛、配饰产品的推出,以及与业内其余人士进行的相关跨界合作项目。AN ICON ON THE BOUDOIR OF MODERN WOMEN

CLASSIQUE by Jean Paul Gaulthier is an irresistibly attractive fragrance, setting a “before and after“ in the universe of perfumery, firstland attention is drawn to a sensual packaging evoking the feminine curves of.

A revelation from the 90s, when fashion designer Jean Paul Gaultier found the muse of inspiration in the style of Madonna. A sensual and sophisticated fragrance, offers a natural and surrounding instant of floral and fruity notes from orange blossom, mandarin , star anise, pear, rose and bergamot. A feeling of romantically provocative self-confident woman. After a few minutes, this fragrance attunes with the skin and also offers fruity plum tone ingredients and a spiced ginger, as well as a floral touch of ylang-ylang. An aromatic tandem invites the mind to open up to new scents, exotic and oriental experiences.

The basic notes of amber, musk, vanilla, cinnamon and sandalwood provide a unique and captive ending, ideal for women with a very sensual and unconventional mentality, far from taboo or stereotypes, who know what they want.

TOP SALES. This fragrance was created by perfumer Jacques Cavallier in 1993 for the French fashion brand Jean Paul Gaultier. Since its first release, it is one of the most sold fragrances worldwide. A gift that will always be right.

COLLECTORS. An icon package in perfumery, of great beauty and uniqueness that will never be unnoticed by the vanity of beauty. Since the first release of this fragrance, numerous editions have followed, with its package being a constant source of expression of femininity.

SENSUAL AND ELEGANT. A modern “Eau de Toilette“ of chic spirit, alike modern and liberated woman who enjoy not limiting their feelings and freeland expressing their sensuality.



PACO RABANNE帕高精纯XS男士止汗喷雾怎么样

PACO RABANNE 帕高 精纯XS男士止汗喷雾,前调由生姜,绿叶,百里香,香柠檬,葡萄柚开启,清新气息扑面而来,转而进入香草,肉桂,皮革,烈酒,苹果的主调,带来迷人混合花香,最后以雪松,没药,糖,克什米尔木,广藿香,木质香收尾,在肌肤上留下怡人馨香。

家居日用    ⋅    14小时前 |帕高 作者:admin

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