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Chloe蔻依爱情故事香水好闻吗 蔻依爱情故事女士香水香评


  • 中文名称:Chloe 蔻依 爱情故事女士淡香水 EDT 75ml

  • 品牌:Chloé

  • 规格:75ml


More fresh, more floral, more sensual, Chloé Love Story Eau de Toilette is Chloé's new love story. Pure seduction, to be worn on bare skin. The fragrance opens with the scent of the orange flower, fresh and floral, which intertwines with the aroma of dew. Following an explosion of delicately peppered nasturtium, the flower given by those who finally dare to declare themselves. Finally, the cherry blossom reveals its intense green facet, extremely refined, enhanced by a dewy floral accord, synonymous with joy and carefreeness. The bottle is a padlock symbol of universal love, an emblem dear to the Maison Chloé.



Acqua di Parma 帕尔玛之水 克罗尼亚之光室内精油香薰藤条 Luce Di Colonia 180ml

Acqua di Parma 帕尔玛之水 克罗尼亚之光室内精油香薰藤条 Luce Di Colonia 180ml 购买链接:https://www.febee.de/product/1014019.html

家居日用    ⋅    8小时前 作者:admin

Dior女孩香水怎么样 迪奥女孩香水好闻吗

Christian Dior 克里斯汀迪奥 迪奥毒药女孩女士香水, 是一段热力沸腾的香氛舞曲。 她将看似冲突对比的原料大胆交融, 演绎三重感官诱惑: 清爽冷冽西西里蜜柑与激辛清新的卡拉布里亚苦橙交融, 令人如坠梦境。性感花香缠绵其中, 传递冰与火的诱惑魅力。

家居日用    ⋅    8小时前 |Dior|迪奥 作者:admin

Christian Dior 克里斯汀迪奥淡香精女士香水好闻吗

Christian Dior 克里斯汀迪奥 蛊媚奇葩(红毒)淡香精女士香水, 层次丰富, 多重香调对比鲜明:感性香草交融微苦杏仁, 邂逅馥郁沙巴茉莉和檀香。缕缕八角香更添诱惑而目眩神迷的气息。

家居日用    ⋅    8小时前 作者:admin