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Livostin 滴眼液 4ml

Livostin Eye Drops is an antihistamine eye drop for symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis  including itching  red and watery eyes  swollen eyelids. Livostin Eye Dropsprovides rapid and long lasting relief symptoms of allergy. It works by blocking the effect of histamine which is a chemical released by the body that causes most of the symptoms.


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Shake well and instil 1 drop in each eye 2-4 times a day.


If you are pregnant, seek medical advice before using this product. Do not use when wearing soft contact lenses. Discard 4 weeks after opening. Store below 25C.

Medicines have benefits and some may have risks.

Always read the label carefully and use only as directed.

If symptoms persist or you have side effects consult your healthcare professional

Active Ingredients:

Levocabastine Hydrochloride 0.5mg/mL.



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