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Hydrodol 解酒胶囊 40粒

Hydrodol Hangover Relief Capsules 40


Available in a convenient capsule format, Hydrodol is a carefully crafted mix of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and herbs that help support the body in the relief of hangover symptoms.


Features & Benefits

  • Hydrodol provides liver support and relief from hangover symptoms.

  • A carefully crafted combination of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and herbs.

  • B Vitamins to support healthy energy levels.

  • Hydrodol includes Kudzu, a traditional Chinese herb used for centuries for its therapeutic and tonic effects on the body.

  • Also contains Milk Thistle, a traditional Western herb that has been used as a tonic for the liver and can assist healthy liver function and detoxification.

  • No added wheat, gluten, dairy, yeast, sodium, nuts or artificial colours.

  • Formula developed in Melbourne by a proudly Australian-owned family business.


How does Hydrodol work?

Hydrodol capsules help support the liver and relieve hangover symptoms by replacing and/or compensating for the changes in body carbohydrates, amino acids and acid base buffers associated with alcohol intake. The combination of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbs helps restore body balance and supports alcohol metabolism.



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