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First Light Natural Health Travel Support Oral Spray 20ml

First Light Natural Health Travel Support Oral Spray 20ml

A balancing plant infusion blend to support inner balance and help you to stay centered and well during and after travel. Encourages the spirit of adventure and a natural sense of excitement and anticipation. Use when traveling by plane, boat, car or train. Helpful when experiencing fear or discomfort while travelling.


Made with six specially selected New Zealand native plants. 

Travel Support?provides support when you are experiencing any of the following:

  • Going on a holiday.

  • Travelling by plane, boat, car or train.

  • Moving country or relocating.

  • Entering a new or foreign type of situations.

  • Having motion sickness or feeling uncomfortable during travel.

  • Having fears associated with travelling.

  • Feeling tired, weary or fatigued.

  • Feeling like you have lost the spirit of adventure.


  • Promotes natural sense of excitement and anticipation.

  • Helps to expand the horizons and be open to opportunities.

  • Helps to stay centred and well during and after travel.

►View all First Light Natural Health Products




Easy to use 20ml oral spray. Spray 2-4 times directly under the tongue.

Adult: Repeat 3-4 times daily.

Child: Repeat 2-3 times daily.

Can be taken more frequently if desired and for as long as required.
For maximum benefit, once the bottle is opened, continue taking until finished.

Active Ingredients:

Alkaline Mineral Water
Ethanol (natural preservative)
Aqueous botanical infusions of six specially selected New Zealand native plants:

Kanuka (Kunzea ericoides) - Spontaneity

Kowhai (Sophora microphylla) - Growth

Bracken Fern (Pteridium esculentum) - Triumph

Shining Spleenwort (Asplenium oblongifolium) - Synchronicity

Clematis (Clematis paniculata) - White Light Protection

Kawakawa (Macropiper excelsum) - Faith



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