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First Light Natural Health Calm Kidz Support Oral Drops 20ml

First Light Natural Health Calm Kidz Support Oral Drops 20ml

A calming plant infusion blend to support healthy emotional expression in children with the ability to move through life抯 憇ore?moments. Stabilising and easing. Ideal to use for everyday childhood ups and downs or high stimulus situations. Helpful when starting or changing a school, having changes in routine, family structure or home environment, having difficulty relaxing.


Made with six specially selected New Zealand native plants. 

Calm Kidz Support?is ideal for children who are:

  • Starting school, learning a new subject or having an exam.

  • Going through changes in the family structure or changes to routines.

  • Moving house, changing schools.

  • Being over-reactive or 慳ll over the place?

  • Living in emotionally volatile environments.

  • Feeling exhausted or over-stimulated and having difficulty falling asleep.

  • Feeling sad, low or uninterested.


  • Supports a child to develop healthy emotional resilience.

  • Encourages to develop emotional consistency and balance.

  • Helps to be adaptable to change.

  • Helps to overcome upsets and release negativity.

  • Assists in overcoming doubt and disappointment.

►View all First Light Natural Health Products




Easy to use 20ml oral drops. Place 2-4 drops directly under the tongue.

Adult: Repeat 3-4 times daily.

Child: Repeat 2-3 times daily.

Can be taken more frequently if desired and for as long as required. Alternatively add 8 drops to a bottle of water and drink throughout the day. For maximum benefit, once the bottle is opened, continue taking until finished.

Active Ingredients:

Alkaline Mineral Water

Ethanol (natural preservative)

Aqueous botanical infusions of six specially selected New Zealand native plants:

Matata (Rhabdothamnus solandri) - Adaptability

Native Harebell (Wahlenbergia gracilis) - Tenacity

Mingimingi (Leucopogon fasciculatus) - Dignity

Rasp Fern (Doodia media) - Boundaries

Native Hawthorn (Carpodetus serratus) - Moderation

Tanekaha (Phyllocladus trichomanoides) - Joy



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