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BIOEFFECT蓓欧菲 EGF益肌焕颜日间修护精华凝露好用吗


  • 中文名称:BIOEFFECT 蓓欧菲 EGF益肌焕颜日间修护精华凝露 30ml


  • 规格:30


BIOEFFECT 蓓欧菲 EGF益肌焕颜日间修护精华凝露是一种专为白天使用开发的高级抗衰老精华。净含量30毫升。

它在补水保湿的同时还具有极好的抗衰老功效,同时令肌肤光滑,易于上妆。 BIOEFFECT日间修护精华凝露适用于30岁及以上的,想从早晨的皮肤护理过程中寻求良好的抗衰老效果的女性,所有皮肤类型都适用。特别是针对那些希望享受EGF24小时抗衰老功效的当前用户。


- 减少细纹和皱纹的出现

- 减轻眼袋

- 光彩紧致一整天

- 不含油,香料或对羟基苯甲酸酯

- 令肌肤更年轻

- 细化毛孔

- 恢复皮肤弹性

BIOEFFECT EGF Day Serum is an advanced anti-ageing serum specifically developed for daytime use.

It delivers multiple anti-ageing benefits with good moisture, while providing a smooth finish, perfect for applying make-up. BIOEFFECT EGF Day Serum is intended for all skin types for women age 30 and up who seek anti-ageing benefits from their morning skin care routine. In particular it is intended for current users of BIOEFFECT EGF Serum who would like to enjoy a 24 hour anti-ageing regiment, with full EGF efficacy. 鈥?br>

Key Features:

- Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

- Reduces the look of under-eye puffiness

- Provides radiance and firmness throughout the day

- Contains no oils, fragrance or parabens

- Younger looking skin

- Reduced pore size

- Restored skin elasticity



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个护化妆    ⋅    1天前 |CLARINS|娇韵诗|温和舒缓卸妆水 作者:admin