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SISLEY希思黎纯水2号女士淡香水EDT 100ml


  • 中文名称:SISLEY 希思黎 纯水2号女士淡香水EDT 100ml

  • 规格:100ml



Eau de Sisley 2 by Sisley is a “Eau de Toilette“ for women of floral chypre character. This is the second fragrance in the series Les Eaux de Silsey, made up of three perfumes. In this collection, the Parisian firm leaves aside the oriental aromas that characterise it, to make its way towards fresher, citrusier notes, and thus create exclusive, high-quality perfumes for spring and summer, with which the hottest days will be flooded by an exquisite wave of freshness.

This fragrance was created in 2009. This is compared by the signature with the sensation of wearing a silky blue suit, since it is inspired by the blue Mediterranean waters, full of calm and serenity, characteristics that the signature brings to absolute elegance, and presents us with a moment of stillness and peace, in which the sea breeze is our only distraction.

Its olfactory pyramid begins with a burst of freshness, thanks to the presence of cardamom, bergamot and the special aroma of basil. Then comes a floral heart, composed of a bouquet of irises, cyclamen, jasmine and rose, a delicate, tender and romantic combination, totally pleasant. This cycle ends with woody sparkles, well balanced with each other and maintaining the line of softness that the perfume reveals.

SERENE WOMAN. This fragrance describes a woman in full balance with the outside and the inside. A calm woman, who knows how to appreciate moments of solitude in order to know herself, and who maintains long reflections. At the same time, she loves the company and is highly generous.

EXTREME SIMPLICITY. Its bottle represents an excellent singularity, cut on transparent glass, it is only adorned by a transparent cap, but also with curved shapes.

ABSOLUTE NATURALNESS. Eau de Sisley 2 flees from the crowds and hustle and bustle of the big city. It is a very calm and harmonious perfume, which helps us to evade our mind before the crowds.



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