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Armani红色迷情挚爱女士香水怎么样 阿玛尼红色迷情挚爱女士香水好闻吗


  • 中文名称:Armani 阿玛尼 红色Sì 迷情挚爱女士香水 花果香调 经典版 EDP 100ml

  • 外文名称:Armani si passione edpv 100ml

  • 规格:100ml



Giorgio Armani 阿玛尼 挚爱真情流露女士香水, Sì, 意大利语的“是”Passione, 意大利语的“热情”, 选择全新阿玛尼迷情挚爱女士香水, 选择「全情以赴」的人生态度。花果香调, 热情洋溢。前调黑加仑果交织粉红胡椒, 果香醉人, 活力四溢。中调茉莉花香, 知性优雅, 动人心弦。基调香草糅合白麝香, 成熟感性, 尾韵绵长。炙热红瓶, 权力新装。灵感源自阿玛尼高定华服, 华丽红缎带缠绕热烈红瓶。以权力新装, 优雅演绎“红色挚爱”香水全新限定香调。

○ 品牌:Giorgio Armani 阿玛尼

○ 品名:女士香水

○ 规格:100ml

○ 类型:EDP\香水

○ 适用群体:适合所有女士使用。

○ 香水香调:花香果香调

前调:粉红胡椒, 梨, 黑加仑。

中调:玫瑰, 茉莉, 天芥菜。

后调:雪松, 香草。


○ 携带使用简单、快捷, 香氛宜人, 轻松应付各种社交场合。

○ 炙热红瓶, 权力新装。灵感源自阿玛尼高定华服, 华丽红缎带缠绕热烈红瓶。


○ 七点法:香精以点、香水以线、淡香水以面使用效果更好, 注意擦香过程中避免用力摩擦, 虽然简单的摩擦不会破坏香水分子结构, 但是会使温度过高加快香水的挥发。

○ 喷雾法:在穿衣服前, 让喷雾距身体10-20公分, 喷出雾状香水, 喷洒范围越广越好, 随后立于香雾中5分钟, 或者将香水大范围喷洒, 然后慢慢走过香雾。这样都可以让香雾均匀落在身体上, 留下淡淡的清香。

○ 香水的留香时间和香水的酒精浓度有关, 温度、湿度以及所处环境的通风情况都会影响留香时间, 所以也需要补香。


○ 请勿将其放置在儿童可触及的地方;

○ 请存放于避光、干燥、不高于25摄氏度处;

○ 如有过敏现象, 请寻医就诊。


阿玛尼( Armani) 是世界知名奢侈品牌, 1975年由时尚设计大师乔治·阿玛尼(Giorgio Armani)创立于意大利米兰, 他以使用新型面料及优良制作而闻名。阿玛尼品牌标志是由一只在往右看的雄鹰变形而成。鹰象征了品牌至高的品质, 卓越和技艺, 从此以它做为永久的象征。阿玛尼公司除经营服装外, 还设计领带、眼镜、丝巾、皮革用品、香水乃至家居用品等, 产品销往全球100多个国家和地区。SAY YES TO UNBRIDLED PASSION

Sì PASSIONE by Armani is a new era in feminine perfumery, a perfume that pays homage to free, passionate women, with character and with great self-confidence. An exemplary woman who lets herself be carried away by her instincts, without fear of submerging herself in new horizons, still unexplored, in short, a woman who is not afraid to say 'yes'.

This "Eau de Parfum" wants to convey to us, through floral and fruity aromas, the essence of passion, and what better way than to completely colour it fiery red. It is a gentle fragrance, but at the same time intense, delicate and austere, discreet and powerful, endless exquisite contrasts that give life to a unique, original and unforgettable aroma ... Its stele entraps us from its first spray on the skin which creates a silky and velvety veil, full of absolute femininity, bewitching, captivating, a creamy, sweet and spicy, sensual and sparkling effect, thanks to the combination of notes of blackcurrants, rose, jasmine, pineapple, vanilla and patchouli.

PASSION REINVENTED. With this perfume, Armani beckons us into a world where passion takes center stage before anything else, a place in which the feminine figure reaffirms itself and fights passionately for what she wants, without surrendering, without fear, always smiling, always strong.

FIRE AND MODERNITY. The bottle of this fragrance follows the same lines as the classic 'Sì', but it is completely red, showing once again the fiery and fiery essence inside.

CATE BLANCHETT. Once again, she has been chosen to be the face of this perfume. Dressed in an exclusive fire-engine red two-piece suit by Armani, the actress transmits to us once again everything that the fragrance intends to represent: elegance, sophistication and self-assurance.



Paco Rabanne帕高百万女士香水 EDP 30ml

Paco Rabanne帕高百万女士香水 EDP 30ml Lady Million by Paco Rabanne is an “Eau de Parfum” for women belonging to the family fruity floral. This perfume describes a determined, perceptive and seductive woman. With very clear ideas and a high power of conviction.

家居日用    ⋅    6小时前 |帕高|百万女士香水 作者:admin

HERMES橘采星光女士淡香水怎么样 爱马仕橘采星光女士淡香水好闻吗

Hermes 爱马仕 橘采星光淡香精(橘彩)女士香水,令人难以置信的迷人香氛,爱马仕的强烈香味将带你到一个遥远的岛屿,在那里你只能看到太阳、大海和沙子。2006年推出的橘采星光淡香精女香将东方的香味与木香结合在一起,带来一种女性的感觉。

家居日用    ⋅    6小时前 |HERMES|爱马仕|橘采星光女士淡香水 作者:admin

Paco Rabanne帕高纯净之夜男士香水好闻吗

Paco Rabanne 帕高 纯净之夜男士香水,Pure XS的清爽和新鲜香气是令人振奋的男士香水。 这款香水于2017年推出,来自Paco Rabanne的设计公司。 前调为生姜,佛手柑,百里香和葡萄柚,主调是肉桂,苹果,酒和香草。

家居日用    ⋅    6小时前 |帕高|纯净之夜男士香水|Paco Rabanne 作者:admin