Sudocrem 宝宝去湿疹粉刺护臀膏/屁屁霜是专门尿疹的领先产品,经过临床试验证明,它有帮助舒缓、治愈和保护婴儿细嫩皮肤不受到进一步的伤害。内含昂贵的植物精华液、天然油脂和杀菌剂,通过精心研制,科学配方制成,有效抗过敏并滋养肌肤。是集预防、安抚镇静和于一身的护臀霜,质地柔滑温和。在宝宝换新尿片前使用本产品可有效防止尿布疹的发生,让宝宝远离红屁股。
○ 规格:60g
○ 品牌:Sudocrem
○ 产地:英国
○ 内含昂贵的植物精华液、天然油脂和杀菌剂,通过精心研制,科学配方制成,有效抗过敏并滋养肌肤。
○ 是专门尿疹的领先产品。
○ 是集预防、安抚镇静和于一身的护臀霜,质地柔滑温和。
○ 温和无刺激也适合过敏性肤质。
○ 不含色素香料及防腐剂。
○ 预防婴儿尿布疹,减轻和治愈已有的湿疹。
○ 为宝宝屁屁建立一层保护膜,帮助舒缓疼痛发炎。
○ 抑制细菌繁殖,提升皮肤天然酸膜的屏障功能。
○ 独特的使用体验,让宝贝肌肤洁净柔嫩光滑。
○ 防过敏羊毛脂
○ 氧化锌
○ 苯甲醇
○ 适合于新生儿、婴幼儿及儿童使用。
○ 换尿布时,可先用温水洁净宝宝小PP,把药膏挤出一点,均匀涂抹在宝宝臀部。
○ 使用前应仔细阅读标签;
○ 避免触及眼睛,切勿食用;
○ 请勿将其放置在儿童可触及的地方;
○ 请存放于避光、干燥、不高于25摄氏度处;
○ 使用时,如果不慎碰触到眼睛,请用大量清水冲洗;
○ 若使用后发生红肿过敏现象,请立即停止使用。
Nappy Rash
Apply Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream to help treat and heal existing nappy rash and soothe your baby?s skin.
Step 1: Ensure your baby?s bottom is clean and dry
Step 2: With clean and dry hands, place a small amount of Sudocrem on the tip of your finger. Remember, a little goes a long way
Step 3: Gently massage the cream into the skin using light, circular movements. Try to avoid rubbing, especially if the skin looks sore
Step 4: Try to create a thin, translucent film on the skin. If white cream is still visible then you may have used too much (don?t worry, your baby will be fine, just remember to use a little less next time)
Repeat these steps until the rash has cleared.
Other uses ? from minor sunburn to cuts and grazes
Step 1: Ensuring your hands are clean and dry, place a small amount of Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream on the tip of your finger
Step 2: Gently massage the cream into the affected area using light, circular movements
Step 3: Try to create a thin, translucent film on the skin. If the white cream is still visible then you may have used too much (this is ok, just remember to use a little less next time).
Treating nappy rash
Sudocrem is clinically proven to soothe and heal your baby?s delicate skin and works in three simple ways: an emollient soothes sore or inflamed skin; its ingredients are recognised for their healing properties; and a mild local anaesthetic helps to ease pain and irritation.
Cuts, grazes and minor burns
Sudocrem provides gentle yet effective relief from cuts, grazes and minor burns. It helps to heal wounds by forming a protective layer over the vulnerable area, reducing the risk of infection, and also contains a mild local anaesthetic to soothe discomfort.
Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream is a nappy rash cream, but did you know it is also excellent for treating skin conditions such as acne. Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream helps to soothe and heal while protecting the affected area from further infection.
Eczema is a dry skin condition that affects many children and adults. It may cause cracked and sore skin that can be painful and difficult to keep hydrated. Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream can be used to calm, soothe and heal eczema and other skin conditions.
Cuts, grazes and minor burns
Sudocrem provides gentle yet effective relief from cuts, grazes and minor burns. It helps to heal wounds by forming a protective layer over the vulnerable area, reducing the risk of infection, and also contains a mild local anaesthetic to soothe discomfort.
Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream is a nappy rash cream, but did you know it is also excellent for treating skin conditions such as acne. Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream helps to soothe and heal while protecting the affected area from further infection.
Eczema is a dry skin condition that affects many children and adults. It may cause cracked and sore skin that can be painful and difficult to keep hydrated. Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream can be used to calm, soothe and heal eczema and other skin conditions.
Always read the label carefully.
Use only as directed.
If symptoms persist or there are any side effects, consult your healthcare professional.
Active Ingredients:
The Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream formula has remained unchanged since 1931. A unique blend of ingredients gives Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream its soothing and healing properties. The key ingredients in Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream are:
Zinc oxide 15.25% w/w, which reduces the loss of tissue fluid
Anhydrous hypoallergenic lanolin, an emollient which soothes and softens skin
Benzyl alcohol, which has local anaesthetic and antiseptic properties that help to reduce discomfort.
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Bio Island 孕妇专用DHA含有高强度的DHA剂量在胎儿、新生儿和婴儿阶段,协助生长脑功能与健康的神经系统发育。为母亲和儿童双重好处,支持视觉功能和心血管系统。
母婴用品 ⋅ 2024-09-22 22:52:38
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