标签:婴儿按摩油 总共有2条记录

Mustela 妙乐思 贝贝新生宝宝 100ml

Mustela 妙思乐 贝贝新生宝宝婴儿按摩油专为新生儿、婴幼儿、儿童,孕期妈妈和新妈妈提供优质、安全、高效、天然、舒适的专业产品。富含独特的配方:向日葵油精华,其兼具保湿和护肤的作用。易吸收,不油腻。有助于宝宝的身体健康,刺激宝宝的淋巴系统,增强宝宝的抵抗力,促进食欲,改善睡眠,唤醒宝宝对外界的认知,促进日后的智力发育,促进母婴之间爱的交流,增进亲子间的甜蜜关系.

母婴用品    ⋅    2021-12-15 21:34:00 |Mustela|妙乐思|婴儿按摩油 作者:小呆

Burt's Bees 小蜜蜂 滋润小麦杏树婴儿按摩油 118ml

Gently soften and soothe your baby?s skin with Burt?s Bees Baby Nourishing Baby Oil. This 100% natural baby oil has the alluring scent of apricots and is rich in nutrients and antioxidants from apricot and grape seed oils to keep your baby

母婴用品    ⋅    2021-12-11 11:17:00 |小蜜蜂|婴儿按摩油 作者:小呆