标签:儿童洗发露 总共有2条记录

The Crown Jewels 儿童洗发露 300ml

We found our solution to head-lice in nature; enriched with 100% Herbal Actives Neem & Quassia, this product is formulated to aid in the prevention and treatment of head-lice, yet is gentle enough for everyday use whilst still remaining effective.

母婴用品    ⋅    2022-01-09 10:50:00 |儿童洗发露 作者:小呆

Sebamed 儿童洗发露 250ml

Sebamed 儿童洗发露采用专业无泪营养配方,特别为儿童幼嫩肌肤设计。蕴含多种天然植物萃取精华活性成分,温和安全可靠,质地柔滑细腻,在轻柔的清洁头部的同时帮助维持天然水油平衡,有效清洁宝宝头发中多余的不洁物,增进皮肤和头皮的光泽与弹性。可用于婴幼儿洗发、洗手,绝不伤害宝宝娇嫩的肌肤。

母婴用品    ⋅    2021-12-15 21:34:00 |Sebamed|儿童洗发露 作者:小呆