标签:鼻舒乐 总共有2条记录

Breathe Right 鼻舒乐 通鼻止鼾贴 30片

Breathe Right 鼻舒乐 经典款大号通气鼻止鼾贴是一种无药性外用产品,能有效解决鼻鼾问题。两条富有弹性小胶贴设计,能轻轻将鼻孔从外拉开,扩张鼻腔呼吸道。能有效缓解由于感冒,敏感,鼻中隔偏曲,鼾症引起的鼻子不通气。

母婴用品    ⋅    2022-01-09 10:50:00 |鼻舒乐|通鼻止鼾贴 作者:小呆

Breathe Right 鼻舒乐 通气鼻贴 10贴

Breathe Right strips are an effective drug free way to relieve nasal congestion associated with colds allergies deviated septum and congestion during pregnancy. They may also reduce or eliminate snoring. Use while sleeping excercising or during the day.

母婴用品    ⋅    2022-01-07 11:26:00 |鼻舒乐|通气鼻贴 作者:小呆